Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



US to support reforms by interim govt: foreign secretary

Washington has committed to working with the interim government of Bangladesh and supporting their reforms in the financial and revenue sectors, said Foreign Secretary Jashim Uddin today. He was sharing the outcome of the meeting with the visiting US delegation…

RTE set to spend close to €2m on audience reaction panel

RTÉ is set to spend an estimated €1.8 million, excluding VAT, over five years on the provision of an “internet-based audience reaction panel” to its programming. In tender-related documentation published on Thursday, it said the service “will enable RTÉ to…

This week’s bestselling books – August 30

NONFICTION 1 View from the Second Row by Samuel Whitelock (HarperCollins, $49.99) Rugby. 2 Seriously Delicious by Polly Markus (Allen & Unwin, $49.99) Food. 3 Serviceman J by Jamie Pennell (HarperCollins, $39.99) Killing people. 4 Sam the Trap Man by Sam…

Can Mainoo live up to ‘perfect midfielder’ tag at United?

On Tuesday night, the great and the good of English football were crammed into the narrow reception room of Manchester’s 112-year-old opera house, which was hosting the annual Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) awards. Erling Haaland was there, embracing his compatriot…
